Thursday, July 30, 2009

We Had Some Rain!

We had some wonderful rain! Just about an inch maybe altogether, but with the watering we had been trying to do it was enough to make my flowers start blooming! The Althea tree is in full bloom.

The Ice Plant is enjoying creeping out from under the Four O'clocks.

The Four O'clocks are just starting to bloom. I have yellow and red ones planted.

I put out several Zinnia's but not all came up. The ones that did are so pretty!

Blue Salvia and Marigolds ( need a bit of attention I think) are suppose to be more tolerant of our area but haven't done as well as in past years.

The Big surprise was how big the few Straight-necked Squash got this year. We have had lots of yummy squash to eat, but not tomatoes. Sadly,the tomatoes died a few weeks ago.

The Oxiliad ( I think?) we just put next to our porch area liked the rain also.

Mixed in with the Zinnia's are some Moss Roses, Morning Glories, Batchlor
Buttons, Cosmos, and Periwinkles.

That is all that is in bloom for now. Have a wonderful day! Hope your flowers are in bloom too!


Lionel Messi said...
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{Bellamere Cottage} said...

What yummy posies! Glad you got some rain. I'm so shocked that we're not having our usual summer....rain, rain and MORE rain!

Warm blessings,

Beth@The Stories of A to Z said...

Oh my goodness! Your garden looks simply beautiful :).

Libby@CookingWithLibby said...

Wonderful garden! Stopping by from SPFH. It rained over here too...we had a full week of it. It was nice for a change :)

Shannon said...

What beautiful flowers! We had some much needed rain this weekend too and I enjoyed taking a few days off from watering. :)

Brenda Eason said...

I guess you know where Shady Lake is then?We camped there every year until my parents got to old.
All of my family still does,but to far to go camp there for us in Mississippi. It did spoil me though.
Love that area so much.

Unknown said...

Oh your blooms are gorgeous!! Everything is so green and pretty! We have been lacking water here too in Michigan. This has been a very weird summer!

Your grandbabies are soooo CUTE!!!!


bj said...

What a beautiful garden you have! Lovely flowers. Our's are blooming but I so need to work in my bed. Maybe

Tammy ~ Country Girl at Home ~ said...

Wow your flowers are beautiful! We have lots of rain here and it is making our flowers look really pretty especially our knock out rose bushes, but unfortunately our grass is growing faster! lol! That makes for a lot of mowing!

Have a great evening,

Kelee Katillac said...

Your flower are wonderful!
And the babies the BEST! OHHHHHHHHH.......